Beta testing - what is it and why should you do it?

Learn how to grow your fashion label | Starting a clothing brand | How to get customers for your own clothing line

You might have seen that I’ve been mentioning the term ‘beta tester’ or ‘beta price’ recently. This post is to clarify what that means exactly and why it can be a great opportunity for you.

Simply put, beta testing is the second phase of product development, where the product is used by real people. At the moment, I’m inviting people to beta test my new course, ‘How to Attract Loyal Customers to Your Fashion Brand’. This opportunity is limited to the first 15 people to join, after that the price will increase.

I want to emphasise that beta testing in this case doesn’t mean trying strategies out to see if they work - don’t worry, that has already been done. The methods I teach have either been used by myself, my clients, other brands, or a mixture of all three. The testing part is really about the functionality of the website, videos, downloads and the way the information is presented (for instance, is there too much information, to little, is the pace too fast or too slow, etc).

The great thing about beta testing? You get to use the product before anyone else, at a massive price reduction and (I think most importantly), the course will be updated based on the feedback I receive - so by taking part, you’ll be getting the specific help that you need. If you don’t understand something, you can tell me and ask me to explain it further. Plus, your feedback will be taken on board for the course updates and you’ll receive access to any updates, completely free!

Learn how to grow your fashion label | Starting a clothing brand | How to get customers for your own clothing line
Learn how to grow your fashion label | Starting a clothing brand | How to get customers for your own clothing line

How it works

  • You can register to beta test the course, by clicking here, taking advantage of the reduced price.

  • When you’re registered, you’ll get access to all of the course videos, workbooks and downloads, which you can work through at your own pace. There’s about 4 hours of video to work through, whenever you’re ready

  • If, at any time you have a question about the content, or using the downloads, you can reach out to me via the comments box below each video.

  • At the end, I’ll ask you to complete a short questionnaire, which asks for a review and your feedback on the course experience. You can also let me know if there’s something you’re confused about in the content and would like extra help with.

  • Completely optional, you’re also welcome to share your results with me; for example, part of the course is about getting featured in the press, if you’re featured, I’d love to hear from you and help spread the word via my social media channels.

  • You get unlimited access to the course, so you can watch and rewatch the content as much as you’d like, plus you’ll get access to any course updates, at no extra charge.

Want To Join?

If you want to join the course, I’d love to have you! You can view all of the details and register by clicking here. Alternatively, if you have any questions on the course, I’d be happy to answer those for you - you can click here to get in touch, or email Don’t wait too long though, as soon as the 15 places are filled, the beta testing opportunity and low pricing will end.

I hate spam too - if you sign up to this email list, your details won't be sold or leased to anyone else. I will email you from time to time with helpful content and occasional offers, which you can unsubscribe from at any time. 


How To Attract Loyal Customers To Your Fashion Brand - Fashion Marketing Tips


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