The Fashion Business Coach


…..Even if you're brand new to the industry

Perhaps you thought that starting a fashion brand would be easy, but after Googling for hours, you still can't find a clear path to success and rather than answering questions, it's just added more to your list.


You want to get your fashion brand off the ground, but you're overwhelmed with all the to-do's.

The problem? When it comes to launching a fashion brand, there's not a 'one solution fits all'.

Because of this, there's so much conflicting advice online; people are using different strategies, and when you're Googling it's hard to differentiate one from another.

The good news? Because there's different ways to achieve fashion industry success, there's a way that works for you too - no matter your background, finances or level of experience.

Bottom line; anyone can have a successful fashion brand.

So, how do you achieve success?

Does this sound familiar?


You don’t know, what you don’t know

We've all heard that before! But it's so true!

Not knowing can cause so much overthinking, procrastination and fear that stops us moving forward with our ideas.

There's a lot of steps when taking a product from idea to launch and missing an all important step can lead to lack of sales, manufacturing problems and more.

And finding the right steps for you and your situation makes it even more difficult. Doubts start to creep into your mind like;

I can't even figure out where to start, maybe I'm not cut out for this?

If you're willing to put in the work, you can absolutely achieve fashion industry success.

What if the factory make awful products?

There's ways you can test out your factory before committing to a big order, plus managing the suppliers effectively will keep them on track and accountable for their quality.

What if I don't have thousands to invest?

There's methods available which allow you to fund your fashion production, without taking out an expensive bank loan, or selling your soul to investors.

Won't it take years to make a profit?

It doesn't have to be that way! There's a business model I teach which has allowed members to sell their products in advance....before they've had to pay the factory!





Back in 2010 when I started my first fashion brand, I didn't have a clue! And if I'd known what I know now, I'd have saved a ton of time, effort and money.

When I first started my fashion brand, it felt like everyone was against me. Suppliers hardly ever replied and even when they did, they were so unhelpful. I didn't understand why it was so difficult for them to just make my products.

Eventually I realised, the problem was actually me! I wasn't being clear, giving them what they needed or taking charge.

And this is a problem I've since seen time and time again since when helping Clients. See, there's a common misconception amongst fashion startups that you just hand over your fashion designs and *magically* the factory makes amazing products for you.

#realtalktime there's actually a lot you need to do as a brand to help the factory, communicate to them and manage them so that you can get the best possible products.



What would life be like as the owner of your very own fashion brand? Perhaps you'll finally have a career you love?

Perhaps you can quit your day job and have the freedom to travel or spend time with family?

It's happened to lots of The Fashion Business Coach course members and I'd love to show you how you can do it too!



It is possible to launch a fashion brand, without a fashion degree.

Fashion degrees cost thousands, not to mention, years of your life (mine cost me nearly £40,000 all up, 4 years full time study and I still wasn't properly equipped to start a brand). But here's the good news, most of The Fashion Business Coach success stories don't have degrees or experience! They've been able to apply the knowledge I share to their own start-up and work their way past the launch stage and onto running and scaling their brand. And you can too!




Take Your Fashion Brand From Zero to Launch

(even without any past experience!)


The Fashion Startup Online Course is for new fashion entrepreneurs who want to start their clothing brand without the stress, unknown and overwhelm and get a step-by-step proven formula to launch their brand successfully. Even if you're brand new to the industry.


The Course is perfect for;

✅ People new to the industry who want a successful fashion brand, without a fashion or business degree

✅ People who have realised that Google doesn't help when it comes to getting a step-by-step action plan for your new clothing business.

✅ People who want to avoid all the trial and error (and the stress and waste of money that comes with it) and follow a proven program.

People who have tried to wing it so far.....and then ran into trouble.

Anyone wanting to create a clothing product; we have people in the course making everything from high-end couture to swimwear, childrenswear, activewear, sustainable fashion, casualwear and everything inbetween!


Lose the overwhelm

This course is designed to give you clarity as you work towards your very own fashion brand.

It is created to help you understand the steps you'll need to go through when launching your brand and actually take action and move your business forward.



The course is carefully designed in stages and broken down into 8 modules, so that any entrepreneur, no matter how new they are, can get results.




Design isn't just about creating pretty drawings and getting fashion inspiration - it is really fun! - but we also need to sell our designs for a profit. So as well as learning about trends and design inspiration, we'll look at the costs and pricing too.


Finding a factory is one thing, managing the production is another thing entirely! A lot of new entrepreneurs don't realise that a successful production run is largely down to you, so I'll teach you how to manage things successfully.


Finding a factory may seem really daunting, but there's hacks I can show you so you can find suppliers, fabric vendors and more, plus learn how you can determine if they're a good fit for you.


I see a lot of brands spending all day on social media trying to get new business, but there is an easier way! I want to show you how you can get customers coming to you!




Review 〰️

This course has been amazing for me. Starting from practically zero with only a concept of what I wanted to do, and no direct path of how to get started, this course showed me exactly what I needed to do regardless of my knowledge within the fashion industry. I truly would not be where I am without Vicki’s help.
— Neha, Founder, Desoire



This comprehensive course is broken into 8 modules which cover all of the information that you'll need to launch and scale a successful fashion brand that works for your situation.

Each module has 10-14 videos, plus workbooks, cheatsheets, checklists, action steps and more to make sure you can take action and succeed. Specifically, we'll cover;


Module 1; Foundations

We'll get things started off on the right foot, by getting really specific about who are brand is for and what we want to create; skipping this step is one of the biggest mistakes I see new brands make and I want you to avoid that.

Module 2; Planning

In this module, I'll show you what kinds of business models are open to you, so you can choose one that suits your lifestyle and budget.

Plus, I'll tell you about manufacturing options, so you can feel confident about what is possible

How to start a fashion brand | consulting package to learn how to start a clothing business
How to start a fashion brand | consulting package to learn how to start a clothing business

Module 5; Manufacturing

Learn how to avoid those manufacturing nightmares in this module, plus how you can find a factory to produce your products.

We'll also talk about negotiating with suppliers, something new brands rarely do, but they should. Just this one lesson saved one member $2100 on their first collection!

Module 6; Sampling

The sample process is critical for making sure that you have amazing products that your customers want to buy. Learn how to manage your factory and ensure they're producing quality product for you.

Module 3; Design

Learn about my favourite way of increasing profits and how you can set yourself up for profitable designs during the design stage.

Plus, learn about how your design decisions will affect the price of your products and what to do about it.

Module 4; Fabrics 

Learn about what's important in a fabric and how to check for good quality.

When you've decided on the fabric you'll need, we'll then look at places you can find suppliers and what you need to ask them.


Module 7; Logistics

When you've created amazing products, you need to get them to your customers! Learn how you can manage stock so you can sell as much at full price as possible,without having to discount all the time! 

Module 8; Marketing

For your brand to be successful, you'll need customers! I'll teach you my signature 'sales journey' technique which attracts customers to you business and converts them into buyers.

In this module we'll cover things like Instagram marketing, Pinterest, getting featured in the press. We have lessons that cover both free and paid marketing methods.







As well as the video content, you'll also get downloads to help with your learning and encourage you to take action.

Here's just a few of the resources included;














This is the best that could have happened to me 1 year ago! Without this course I would have never dared to start my own swimwear start-up. Vicki is so supportive and the whole course gave me clear instructions on how to start & go through the whole process of the establishment of a fashion start-up.
On top of that, she provides the course members with exclusive contacts which I would have never found just by searching in google.
And now, one year later, I launch my own swimwear brand thanks to Vicki!!!
— Laura, Founder Laura Swimwear

The course is super helpful, people always ask me how I even knew where to start in launching my brand and I always credit Vicki and the course. Keep up the good work and thank you!
— Buky, Founder of Bomo Swim

Absoutely loved everything about the course - it was all so helpful thank you. I found the course so helpful in many ways, but especially with tips for dealing with factories and finding suppliers x
— Ashley, Founder of Aryadne

Here’s what happened when I interviewed Celeidy, one of the course members for The Fashion Business Coach blog;


Click below to watch the walkthrough video and see exactly what you'll be getting access to when you join >>>



✅ 8 actionable modules that take you from zero to launch

6 months of support from me in our Q+A platform - leave a question for me and I’ll get back to you within 3 business days.

6 Live small group coaching sessions (plus replays of all past sessions)

✅ Workbooks and cheat sheets to support your learning

✅ An action plan checklist after every module to keep you moving forward

Updated marketing lessons showing you exactly what's working in 2024

✅ The confidence and training you need to make your brand successful.

Get started for £257 (approx US$349) with the 6-pay payment plan

This isn’t just a course.

You get support from me too.

When you join, as well as the course content you'll also get 6 months access to the 'Accelerator Support' members area. Here, you can ask me questions whenever you'd like. I check and reply to messages at least twice a week. Plus, you'll be invited to join our monthly live zoom events and hotseat coaching sessions and have access to all the replays of past sessions too. The members area is also a great place to connect with other fashion entrepreneurs and find support, encouragement and collaboration partners.




Hi, I'm Vicki. Welcome!

I started my own fashion business years ago and really struggled at the beginning, so I can relate to those starting a business and feeling overwhelmed, because I've been there. But, I overcame the struggles and now I'm showing you how you can too!

Even though I started my fashion company with a tiny budget and little experience, I grew it to a label that had loyal and happy customers worldwide, was stocked in shops on 4 continents and was featured in the Vogue diaries and other media.

I love helping other startups to do the same and fulfil their dream of having their own fashion brand.

I have 20 years experience in fashion and I worked within the industry for 12 years - on both my own brand and big name brands too - before creating The Fashion Business Coach.

Through The Fashion Business Coach, I help small and startup fashion brands to succeed in the industry, by revealing industry secrets, giving actionable advice and helping fashion newbies to understand how to go from zero to production and sales - even if they don’t have any experience in fashion….

And I’d love to help you have a successful fashion brand too!

I have learnt so much from Vicki’s fashion business start up MasterClass! It’s a super complete 8 module course and Vicki is super available to answer questions, being super patient with me asking way too many.....
.....I truly recommend if you are new to the industry.
— Kat, Founder Vandal Kids

If you’re serious about getting started and making a success of your fashion brand, I recommend cutting the fluff.




The things you learn in The Fashion Startup Online Course can save you time and money by:

Making you aware of the key steps you need to take to launch and what shouldn't be avoided

✅ Helping you understand the most common pitfalls and how to effortlessly avoid them

Giving you a plan to follow rather than you having to spend hours – or even days - searching for answers online (and potentially from an unreliable source)

✅ Teaching you proven steps which can minimise the risk of starting a fashion brand in the current start-up climate


Vicki and The Fashion Business Coach have been seen in;

Press features copy.jpg


✅ 8 actionable modules that take you from zero to launch

6 months of support from me in our Q+A platform - leave a question for me and I’ll get back to you within 3 business days.

6 Live small group coaching sessions (plus replays of all past sessions)

✅ Workbooks and cheat sheets to support your learning

✅ An action plan checklist after every module to keep you moving forward

Updated marketing lessons showing you exactly what's working in 2024

✅ The confidence and training you need to make your brand successful.

Get started for £257 (approx US$349) with the 6-pay payment plan


You may be wondering whether it would be worth it.

But think of it this way;

You can get started on the 6-pay payment plan for £257 (approx US$ 349) for a step-by-step guide to creating a successful fashion brand that works for your lifestyle and business idea.

If you go it alone, you'll most likely spend hours trying to put this plan together. It took me two long years to find success the first time I launched a brand......and I don't want that for you. Many course members have created a profitable business within months of joining and you can too!

With this offer, you can take my proven step-by-step action plan and away you go!


Here’s the good news;

Many course members have gone from a simple fashion idea to an established, successful brand and achieved their goal of having a business they love.

That could be you, too!

It all starts here.

If you’re ready to start working towards becoming a profitable business owner in the fashion industry, let's dive in!


Don't see your question here? No problem! For more help or to see if the course is right for you, you can send an email to and I’ll get back to you soon.

Click on a question below to read the answer;


+ I already have a business and have a collection in production. Is this course suitable for me?

Possibly. If you don’t have systems in place and are struggling to get results, you will still get a lot of valuable content from this course. If you're not sure if it's a good fit, you're welcome to email me at and we can talk about your situation.

+ I'm Not From England, Does That Matter?

Not at all! We've got members in the course from 5 different continents, so wherever you are - it doesn't matter! The steps for creating a successful fashion brand aren't reliant upon your location, so wherever you are in the world, there's a way to make your brand happen.

+ Will I receive personal recommendations of factories and suppliers?

You won't receive personal recommendations, no. This is because the success of a supplier is usually down to how you manage them and the relationship you build. Therefore, just because a supplier was good for me and my situation, doesn't mean they'll be good for you. Instead, you will receive training which gives you the knowledge to make informed decisions about suppliers and I'll help you with places to start looking for contacts.

+ What are the terms and conditions?

You can find the full terms on the payment page before purchasing. This outlines things like; any content is for the purchaser only, the files or videos cannot be shared, copied or distributed in any way. Please note that by purchasing this course, you agree to the terms and conditions.

+ Do I need experience in fashion?

Absolutely not! If you already have some experience that’s a bonus, but I’ve specifically designed the programme so that you don’t have to have any existing industry knowledge. The videos explain step-by-step and the downloads will help you to understand the entire process.

+ What kind of support will I get?

When you join, as well as the course content you'll also get 6 months access to the 'Accelerator Support' members area. Here, you can ask me questions whenever you'd like. I check and reply to messages at least twice a week. Plus, you'll be invited to join our monthly live zoom events and hotseat coaching sessions and have access to all the replays of past sessions too. The members area is also a great place to connect with other fashion entrepreneurs and find support, encouragement and collaboration partners.

+ How is this course different to others?

This course covers both production and marketing, which is unusual to find together. Plus, I teach different ways to reach success so you have the freedom to find an option that works for you, no matter your background or budget. And I'll be on hand to help if you can't decide!

+ When will I get access to the content?

I'll need to manually add you to the course, so please wait up to 24hrs for access. After that, you'll have your own username and password that you can use to login anytime.

+ Can't I just Google this stuff?

Google is great. I honestly do not know what I would do without it, it's an incredible hub of knowledge and information. But that’s just it. Google will be able to give you a ton of information – even too much information – about starting a business. But Google cannot teach you; it cannot give you specific action steps for you situation and it can't answer your concerns based on your personal goals and budget.





“After my disappointing experience with a manufacturer, I was feeling lost and defeated until I discovered Vicki's Fashion Business Online Course. This course was truly a game changer for me! I decided to give it another try, working on my issues little by little, and building my confidence along the way. I was happy to discover that this course is very comprehensive, similar to a college-level program, and is suitable for individuals interested in starting a fashion business, even without a degree.

The step-by-step approach in the course helped me to learn the process of working with factories and customers, and the easy-to-follow formula was a life saver! It allowed me to understand the complexities of the manufacturing process without feeling overwhelmed. What's even better is that the course includes multiple editable workbooks and Q&A sessions, which made tracking my progress along the way simple and enjoyable.

In just five months, I noticed a significant improvement in my ability to work with factories and customers. Vicki's course has given me the skills and knowledge to pursue my fashion business with renewed enthusiasm and confidence. I'm so grateful for her guidance and would highly recommend her course to anyone looking to build a successful fashion business!”

Linda, Founder Chocolat Couture




Your business is waiting for you to take the next step.

Let me help you to understand the industry and what's involved, so you can lose the overwhelm and start moving forward with your business.

Don’t let confusion hold you back from the business and lifestyle you crave!



✅ 8 actionable modules that take you from zero to launch

6 months of support from me in our Q+A platform - leave a question for me and I’ll get back to you within 3 business days.

6 Live small group coaching sessions (plus replays of all past sessions)

✅ Workbooks and cheat sheets to support your learning

✅ An action plan checklist after every module to keep you moving forward

Updated marketing lessons showing you exactly what's working in 2024

✅ The confidence and training you need to make your brand successful.

Get started for £257 (approx US$349) with the 6-pay payment plan