30+ Easy Eco Friendly Swaps to Make; TFBC Featured
I was thrilled to be quoted in a recent article by Upjourney, a website that has free articles on a range of topics to help empower readers so they can achieve more. Topics include improving your mindset, finding purpose and positivity. The article I contributed to is called ‘30+ Easy Eco Friendly Swaps to Make in 2020’. I shared my views on sustainable fashion, why it’s important and brands that you can shop with. You can read the free article by clicking here. There’s some really great tips here from lots of contributors so it’s well worth a read.
If you’ve been reading this blog a while, you’ll know I’m passionate about sustainability, so it was great to be able to contribute to an article promoting sustainable living. I was also happy to be able to promote some of my clients work and help them get more exposure.
If you’re interested in sustainable fashion and want to learn more about it, I have a free masterclass here if you’d like to learn more about starting your own sustainable fashion brand. Click here to register free.
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Pickleball outfit inspiration……